Vicki Tahau-Sweet

You Deserve to Feel Great. I’m Here to Help.
Kia ora e te iwi. Ko Vicki tōku ingoa – I’m Vicki.
I whakapapa Māori and Pākehā – as tangata whenua my whakapapa is to the whenua of Ngāti Tūwharetoa and Ngāti Pamoana of Te Awa, the Whanganui River. I was born and raised in Whanganui.
As a Narrative Therapist & Counsellor, I have had the privilege of working with tamariki (children), rangatahi (youth), ngā wāhine (women) and ngā tāne (men) as well as whānau (families) and couples.
Alongside the therapeutic skills and knowledge that shape my practice, I also draw on my own journey navigating and overcoming the effects of addiction, violence, and sexual trauma.
An area of my Mahi that is taonga for me is being able to tautoko and awhi those who have experienced sexual harm and violence as an ACC Sensitive Claims Counsellor.
My hope and intention as a Narrative Therapist & Counsellor is to provide you with genuine tautoko, awhi and manaakitanga in our work together so that you can experience healing and restoration, and build the life that you want for yourself free from whatever may be getting in your way.
I am based in Tauranga and come down to Ōtautahi every two weeks to work Thursday – Saturday face to face and I also offer online counselling services.
If you would like to find out a bit more about me feel free to check out my website –
Ko au te mahi, ko te mahi ko au
I am this work & this work is me
Ngā mihi aroha
Get In Touch
021 59 72 59
193 Marshland Road , Shirley, Christchurch
Thurs – Fri: 10am – 7pm
Saturday 10am – 5pm