Psychology Today
Verified & Approved Counsellor
Counsellors NZ
Verified & Approved Counsellor
A Change for Better
Verified & Approved Counsellor
Modern Health
Verified & Approved Counsellor
Verified & Approved Counsellor
I Have Experience With…
Suicide Ideation/Self Harm
Depression/Anxiety/Mental Wellbeing
ACC Registered/Sensitive Claims
Work Stresses
Self worth/Esteem/Respect
Your Story Counselling Service & Associates. Located at 193 Marshland Road, Christchurch.
“Learn to Trust in Yourself, Believe in Yourself, Have Faith within yourself.
Through every mishap is a learning, through sadness there is healing, through healing is growth.”
Mandy Paget
“When life seems insurmountable, and you are in serious need of help! I am here for you”. Whaia Te Oranga E Tika Ana Maau Live the life you deserve. The range of ages I work with varies from 18yrs to 80yrs, female, male. I feel acknowledging the past and finding closure, pulling through the inner strengths one has inside, we can all achieve our passions and Goals. Counselling is a commitment from both people myself and the client.
Some helpful articles I have written.
Anger Management
How To Manage Your Anger What is Anger? Anger is a secondary emotion. What is a secondary feeling? It is the emotion that others see, like sad, happy, surprised, Bad, Fearful and disgusted. What sits under the anger? Let us look at an example, say road rage (meaning...
Get In Touch
021 0886 2803
193 Marshland Road, Shirley, Christchurch.
Tues – Fri: 10am – 7pm
Appointments only